83% of Medical Doctors ready to quit!

The latest headlines say that doctors think medicine is on the wrong track and that the government is largely to blame. The reports state that 83% of doctors are considering quitting over the Obamacare regulations. The Doctor Patient Medical Association, a proclaimed non partisan group, reported that the study results are inaccurately being portrayed. So what is the real story?

A newly released survey has clarified the statistical data. This new study, by the Doctor Patient Medical Association, reveals that 83% of doctors surveyed have considered quitting over the direction of medicine, not specifically Obamacare (which was upheld by the Supreme Court last month). Just a little less than 5% felt energized by the direction of medicine.

Whether it is the distain over Obamacare or a general frustration over the direction of medicine in general, the 83% statistic clearly shows that medical professionals are looking for a better solution.  80% of doctors said that doctors themselves, and others in the medical community, are capable of fixing the problems. And they are not going to go about it quietly either. According to the same survey, 62% of doctors indicated they aren’t hesitant to voice their opinions among colleagues. Voicing the problems and opinions can be the first step in creating a vision of better healthcare for physicians and their patients.

Whether you are a practice manager, physician, RN, medical billing staff or other support staff, what kinds of things are you doing to safeguard your medical practice for the future? Starting now to streamline your processes and work towards greater efficiency will make the transition to the Affordable Care Act easier on your practice. Think critically about the types of patients you currently have and how the new law will change your practice. Take action now to prevent any more hiccups and bruises by learning more about your options.

If you need more support or would like additional information on how you can make your practice more efficient, contact us and we can start you in the right direction. We also offer a free practice managment report. And if you’re in the 83% that is concerned about the direction of medicine, the upcoming election in November is crucial. Make sure to learn more about each candidate’s stand on these issues so that you can better align yourself with someone who best represents you.

Sometimes safeguarding our practice means going beyond the office and taking on issues in political and business arenas.