Clinic Service History and Milestones
Pioneered the first “paperless” submission of a physician health insurance claim transfer process between Medical Administration Computer Corporation and Colorado Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
The name of Clinic Service Corporation was registered in Colorado as a successor to Medical Administration Computer Corporation. The new company resided in the basement of 1834 Gilpin Street in Denver and had four employees.
Clinic Service moved its 12 employees and sixty clients to 2442 S. Downing in Denver. This year CC established an employee profit-sharing trust and established its own data entry and verification computers to enhance efficiency and data accuracy for medical coding and medical billing.
Clinic Service moved its 12 employees and 78 clients to 300 E. Hampden Avenue, Suite 201, in Englewood, Colorado.
Clinic Service purchased 2442 S. Downing Street, Denver to occupy 4280 square feet. CSC entered as the managing partner into Shared Computer Systems consisting of the Littleton, Denver and University Park Clinics. This year CSC established internal programming and computer operation departments and purchased the first mainframe computer,
Clinic Service introduced “Speedclaim” service which experienced a five day turnaround on all Blue Shield and Medicare claims which made up an average of 40% of all physician medical billing claims.
Clinic Service purchased 1400 E. Hampden Avenue in Englewood, in addition to the Downing St. location, to occupy 12,700 square feet for 37 employees and 183 clinic clients. New computers and electronic transfer was used to communicate with clients in Houston.
Clinic Service transitioned all clients to on-line communication. Efficiencies resulted in a drastic reduction in outstanding account volumes and medical billing cycle time to an average of eight days from origination to insurance payment.
Clinic Service increased business office financial management service to occupy three buildings of 14,000 square feet to accommodate 212 client clinics, served by 78 employees.
Clinic Service purchased 3464 S. Willow Street, Denver to occupy 16,800 square feet. Online communication with all client locations made instantaneous exchanges for client physicians, clinics, hospitals, insurances, and banking facility networks. This reduced claim to cash transaction speed, and enabled tracking of financial results to enhance planning for efficiency and quality of results.
Clinic Service began automatic posting (no more reentry of data from paper!) and added other efficiencies such as E-Pay, Hospital Rounding Palm Pilot, and Electronic Medical Record interface.
Clinic Service offers electronic direct deposit transfer though banking channels for rural clinics.
Clinic Service develops and launches C-Suite, an EMR solution designed by doctors, for doctors.