Clinic Service Orthopedic Practice Success Story

The Client

An orthopedic practice with two surgeons and a physician's assistant.

The Challenge

The practice was utilizing a billing firm that was a relying on a billing module built into the practice's electronic health records (EHR) system. The arrangement was failing.

Despite a full appointment schedule, a quick analysis by Clinic Service indicated bills were not being submitted consistently and needed patient payment plans were not being created. Not surprisingly, the practice’s revenues and cash flow were suffering and its landlord (the hospital system it was affiliated with) was threatening to start eviction proceedings.

The Response

Clinic Service put a Triage Team on the case immediately. The team started by resubmitting all unpaid bills. Simultaneously, the team began billing for the practice’s current patient appointments.

Activation of a system connecting billing to patient appointments allowed the practice’s administrative staff to collect past due payments from patients when they came to the clinic for appointments.

The Result

The practice’s medical director credits Clinic Service for saving his business. The practice quickly regained its financial footing and paid the hospital system for past rent (ensuring it wouldn’t have to relocate).

The newly obtained financial health allowed the practice to grow to four full-time orthopedic surgeons and two physician assistants.

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