ICD-10 and Coding Accuracy

Despite a smooth transition to ICD-10 with relatively few technical glitches, there have been questions about the accuracy of the coding. ICD-10 Monitor recently published results from a survey they compiled and analyzed data from 300 coders at 50 health systems.

Overall, there have been slight improvements in coding accuracy since implementation of ICD-10 in October, however we are far from the 95 percent standards that were established under ICD-9.

The survey found that accuracy improved from Q1 to halfway through Q2. Inpatient coding accuracy improved from 83.1 percent to 84.9 percent, ambulatory coding improved from 80.8 percent to 82.7 percent and emergency services coding improved from 85.6 percent to 88.9 percent. However, coding accuracy but we are far from the 95 percent standards established under ICD-9.

The results of the study also highlighted the five areas with the worst ICD-10 coding accuracy. For the first quarter and half of second quarter of 2016, those ICD-10 codes are:

  • VOO-Y99 (external causes of morbidity)
  • ROO-R99 (symptoms, signs and abnormal findings)
  • S00-T88 (injury, poisoning and other exteArnal)
  • Q00-Q99 (congenital malformations)
  • D50-D89 (diseases of the blood and organs)

In addition, to thousands of ICD-10 changes coming soon, the one-year grace period for ICD-10 implementation ends October 1, 2016. It’s important for your medical practice to partner with an organization like Clinic Service – a proven expert in medical billing and coding with more than 40 years of experience that collects 99.7 percent of deliverables in 21 days. Please contact us today for a free quote.

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