Training and Support

C-Suite is so easy to use, you will know how to use the software in just an hour. However if you should need assistance, we are a quick phone call away. Clinic Service employs its own North America customer service agents who have direct accountability to make sure your needs are met and you are happy.
Onsite training is included in the implementation process. If you have a question, we can help you via phone or web conferencing. We can even provide you with 1-2 minute subject and task specific video modules.

When we start working with your practice, we recommend that you identify a “super user” that will be trained on all EMR components. The remaining staff will be trained on the portions of the EMR that pertain to their job responsibilities.

Access Our Video Library

Quick 2-Minute on-demand videos are available to show you how to perform a specific task. Just click on the link for the topic you wish to view.

  1. Navigate Schedules and Change Time Template
  2. Check Patient In and Out
  3. Block Time