It’s a Cruel, Cruel Summer (ICD-10 Style)

There are countless reasons to love the summer… barbecues, pool parties, fireworks. But the warmer months have their drawbacks too. To help you prepare for the medical mishaps, we compiled a list of ICD-10 codes for summer.

You forgot to lather up with SPF 50 while you spending the day at the beach.
L55.0: Sunburn of first degree.

You can finally take “swim with dolphins” off your bucket list, but that black eye is going to ruin your selfies.
W56.02XA Struck by dolphin, initial encounter.

Jumping on a trampoline is a great form exercise and a ton of fun… until you fall off.
S82: Fracture of lower leg, including ankle.

You’re definitely too old to pop some wheelies on your bike.
V18.0: Pedal cycle driver injured in noncollision transport accident in nontraffic accident.

Camping is a great time to enjoy the outdoors. But, you forgot to pack your insect repellant.
S10.96: Insect bite of unspecified part of neck.

Climbing your first fourtneener at a record pace can take its toll.
T70.20: Altitude sickness

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